September 4, 2022 - When God Becomes Our Enemy - Pastor Paul Vallee

September 4, 2022 - When God Becomes Our Enemy - Pastor Paul Vallee
Living Stones Church, Red Deer - Jeremiah Series
September 4, 2022 - When God Becomes Our Enemy - Pastor Paul Vallee

Jun 19 2023 | 00:54:52

Episode 37 June 19, 2023 00:54:52

Show Notes

Jeremiah 21, Jeremiah Series

The most terrifying state of being is when we find ourselves in conflict with God. Is it possible for God to be against us rather than for us? Our decisions can move us in a direction that brings us into conflict with God. We are either moving toward God or away from God in our lives. Using the image of light and darkness within a moral context, we are either walking or living in the light of God’s word, or we allow our sinful desires to move us into the darkness away from God and ultimately face the greater terror of finding ourselves at war with God. James warns us that this is a very real possibility.

"You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God." (James 4:4)

What is James telling us? He is not speaking of befriending people but rather embracing the values system of a society that has turned its back on God and is, therefore, against God. Returning to the book of Jeremiah, we find a significant chronological movement in time. Years have elapsed from the previous chapter. Many of the things that Jeremiah had warned about were now happening. The king and the people had hardened their hearts, disregarded God’s word, and counsel through prophets such as Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Babylon was now attacking the city. King Zedekiah, who had made a political alliance with Egypt to rebel against the Babylonian’s control over Judah, is now facing total destruction. So how do we become God’s enemy? What happens when we are in conflict with God? These are questions that Jeremiah 21 answers for us. What is it that God requires of us if we are to walk with God as our friend?

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