October 2, 2022 - When what we Consider Loss becomes Gain - Pastor Paul Vallee

October 2, 2022 - When what we Consider Loss becomes Gain - Pastor Paul Vallee
Living Stones Church, Red Deer - Jeremiah Series
October 2, 2022 - When what we Consider Loss becomes Gain - Pastor Paul Vallee

Jun 19 2023 | 00:50:34

Episode 42 June 19, 2023 00:50:34

Show Notes

Jeremiah 24, Jeremiah Series

How do we see tragedy in our lives? How do we move forward when our world comes crashing down around us? As we are about to discover, God has a plan for good even in times of trouble and despair. Robert Davison relates this powerful insight about the things we may consider sacred, but we have lost the true meaning of what faith is all about. “Sometimes the things we regard as essential to our faith and fight desperately to retain patterns of worship and congregational life may, and indeed sometimes must, be taken from us if we are to rediscover the meaning of discipleship.” People who are never challenged in their faith often grow weak and apathetic. Challenges have a way of causing us to reconsider our lives and see things in a different light.

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